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Twenty-two Years In This Business!
December 6th, 2024 3:00 PM

Twenty-two years is a long time folks! I began my real estate appraisal career in 2002. Some of you may remember those days. It was the "refi boom" and the market was hopping. That was the upside. Then there was the downside which was the rampant mortgage fraud which we had to navigate leading up to the 2007 crash. In some areas you really had to be careful that the comps you picked in appraisal reports were arms length transactions. Talk about a time consuming headache! A lot of people ask me if things were tough after the meltdown, but fortunately I was still busy, appraising a lot of HUD owned homes for one thing. As a matter of fact, I started my own company in 2007, and I'm still here.


I still remember being proud to say that I had been doing this five years, but over twenty definitely is something else. And, yes, after that much time you can honestly say you've pretty much seen it all; done a lot of things right, made some mistakes (we learn!), appraised the wrong house (it happens!), had clients go out of business, had great new clients show up seemingly out of nowhere, worked around the clock on huge deadlines, and watched the tumbleweeds blow and wonder if another order will ever show up.


Being an appraiser can be a grind, but there are a lot of upsides: being your own boss, making your own hours, meeting new people and having the priveledge to be of service. Thanksgiving was this past Thursday, and if there is one thing I can say that has remained constant throughout my career in this profession, it's that I'm always grateful to be doing what I do.

Contact Comp One Appraisal Services today and put our local expertise to work for you.  Based in the Globe Building at Peachtree Dekalb Airport, we are the perfect resource for attorneys, agents, homeowners, and lenders.  Thanks for reading!  

Got an appraisal issue or question?  Call my Appraiser On-Call For You Hotline at 404-245-7577.


Posted by Cameron Horne on December 6th, 2024 3:00 PMPost a Comment

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